
a chickpea for the bleeding heart of thee

after a long and sad day (we went to the funeral for our mom's husband's mother), the VR crew was looking for comfort food of the highest - but also healthiest - order. after all, some of us (me! it was me!!!!) went to a pilates class tonight and didn't want to spoil the hard work on empty fats and starches. so we turned to the bible, the source, the matriarch of all the cookbooks in our kitchen: the veganomicon. even with a paltry pantry, i knew we had the fixings for a highly regarded favorite: chickpea cutlets. while we prepped, peeled and pan fried, our dear friend bert whipped up some vegan white russians (soymilk + vodka + kahlua) - after all, we were going bowling later. after their 12 minute tenure in the frying pan, we doused the cutlets with leftover maple mustard sauce from a potluck-bound squash salad i prepared last night, and supplemented them with a lemon-y spinach 'n sprouts salad and quinoa fortified with creamy roasted eggplant and tahini. it was super simple and spiritually satisfying. i urge you to link to isa's clever recipe, courtesy of chow.com, here. dinner with friends - the greatest of heart healers:


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